Tri-Colored Heron (above)
David, Allan, Javier, and myself enjoyed the beauty of Green Cay today. It was about 76, with a clear sky, and a very light breeze. This is the formula for a gorgeous South Florida day! I was happy to see several alligators. We even got the opportunity to observe two specimen disputing their territory, although this was one one alligator chasing another. There was not an actual stand off.


Tri-Colored Heron

A turtle hiding in the duck weed


A Wood Stork grooming himself

Brown Thrasher or female Red Winged Blackbird?

Blue Winged Teal

Alligators! They are not always easy to spot with the duck weeds that acts as a camouflage.

A nice specimen!

Red Winged Blackbirds

Another nice specimen sunning himself!

A chase over territory!

