Friday, October 10, 2008

Bye bye land line

How many phone numbers, accounts, and devices does one person need? I feel that an office line at work, a fax line at work, a work cell phone, and a personal cell phone is enough for me! I called Vontage and requested that my home line be canceled. Vontage did their best to keep me as a customer by offering free months and etc; however, I no longer need the phone line. I do not fax anything from my house, I rarely talked on that phone, and my internet service is via cable. Land lines are becoming a thing of the past!


SAS said...

Well put. It's hard to hide when a person needs to! And sometimes it's great to be found. Agree on the landline situation.

Joe said...

My iPhone works for me. When I called the mortgage company and the credit card company, I clearly requested that I be removed from their correspondence list. I have already received letter stating that they will only mail me their propaganda and will not be calling me.

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